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Not Seeing Real-time Issue Updates? Check Your Webhooks

Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

If you're updating Issues on the Board and collaborating across multiple people making updates, such as moving Issues or adding Epic or Release data to Issues, but you need to refresh the page to see these changes, you might be missing your webhooks. 

To re-connect webhooks:

  1. Have the repo admin visit the Zenhub Board for the repository where you're experiencing the Issue. 
  2. Confirm that the webhooks have been re-establishing by going to the repo settings in GitHub.

  1. You should see the Zenhub URL under the webhooks section

If you do not see this, and the admin of the repo has visited the Zenhub Board, get in touch and we can help reset your webhooks. 

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