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Workspace Cannot be Created (Lacking Permissions)

Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

When viewing repositories in Zenhub for the first time, you're viewing a Zenhub Workspace. If no one in the team has previously used this repository in Zenhub before, a Workspace needs to be created. Only individuals with write/push permissions in the GitHub repository can initialize the Workspace for the first time. 

Repository permission levels for an organization

GitHub supports the following levels of permissions, per repository: 

  • Read (View-only, open Issues, comment, and fork code)
  • Write (Modify, manage, edit)
  • Admin (All of that in read/write, and invite / change permissions of collaborators)
  • Owner (Super-user access)

We breakdown these permissions and what actions can be taken in Zenhub in our permissions guide here.  

If you want a further breakdown of the permission level and behaviours in GitHub, view GitHub's permission structure help article here.

If no Workspace has yet been created, individuals with read access will not be able to access Zenhub for that specific repo until it gets created by an individual with write or above permissions. 

Gaining access / creating the Zenhub Workspace

If you need to view this repo in Zenhub, but still need to maintain read-only permissions in the repository, have a repo owner, admin, or any individual with write access view the same repo in Zenhub to create the Workspace.

You can also ask a repo admin or owner to grant you write access. Here's what the admin needs to do to modify your access level:

Head to the Settings tab of the repository > Navigate to Collaborators & Teams. 

If permissions need to change for a team in GitHub, this is managed at the top. Changing team permissions changes the permissions for everyone that is within that group. Manage teams in GitHub via your profile settings, and click into your Organization under Organization settings on the bottom of your sidebar settings.

Making changes to teams impacts all repositories associated with access for that team.

Alternatively, individual collaborator permissions can be changed in the Collaborators section of the specific repository you're modifying if you need to upgrade only an individuals repository permissions.

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