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Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Zenhub filters allow you to view only the work that you need so that you can focus on moving things forward. These powerful filters enable you to locate the exact Issues and data you need in seconds, so that you can focus on the work that matters most to you.

Course Outline

- Benefits of filtering
- How to filter the board
- Filter to see work assigned to me
- Logic to know about filters
- Accessing important filters at a later date

Filtering options on the Board

To get started with filtering, view a Zenhub Board. The filter options will appear just above the pipelines on the Board as seen below:

You will be able to filter by:

  • Labels
  • Assignees
  • Zenhub Sprints
  • Epics
  • Releases
  • Estimates
  • Authors

Each set of filters can be used with either any or all filter logic:

Use Case Example

Example:Let's say you only want to view the Issues assigned to you with the label BUGthat are in a particular sprint. You can use the filtering options to view this data very quickly:

As you can see from above, this information was quickly displayed to us by taking the following steps:

1. Selecting the Assignees filter and choose yourself.

2. Selecting the Labels filter and choose BUG

3. Selecting the sprintfilter and select the desired sprint

4. Ensuring you have Matching all filters selected from the filter type

Each of our filters work a bit differently, but here's common functionality regardless of the filter used:

  • None of the filters have an inherent and/all logic.Once more than 1 filter option is applied, a filter-wide option appears to switch between any/all.
    • At the moment, you cannot create groupings of filters to add multiple layers of and/all logic. For example, if you wanted to bundle  BugandCumulative Flow   or    Bugand Low Priority you'd have to do two separate queries.
  • The filters will only show options on the Board where there are Issues on the Board that match the criteria. For example, if you created a new label, but no Issues have yet been assigned the new label, there's no Issues that could be filtered by this selection. Therefore, this option will not yet appear on the filter choices. 
    • This behaviour is different than the sidebar options within an Issue, or our multi-select actions. Because these are actions, not filters, they will show your newly created label, because they're within the list of available selections to apply to the Issue
  • On all filters except Authors, Releases, and  Epics, you get an option to filter by  Issues with no _____. Use these to filter the Board by the inverse of the filter selected. For example, if you want to do Sprint hygiene, filter by Issues with no Estimate and pair this with your current sprint.

Logic to know about specific filters

Regardless of the filter, as a reminder, the filters will only show you options where:

  • The thing you're filtering for exists in the repo you have toggled on (for multi-repo Boards)
  • The filter selection you're looking for has Issues that match that criteria open on the Board. If you just created something, but it's never been assigned to an Issue, it won't appear as it's not active as a potential view yet.

The Label filter

  • Labels will appear as a filter option only when they:
    • Have Issues assigned to the label that are open or within the last 50 closed Issues on the Board.
    • Have the respective repos filter option toggled on for the Issues you're trying to filter. If for example a label exists in one of the repos toggled off, but is assigned to an Issue, it will not appear as it doesn't 'exist' within the repositories still toggled on. 

The Author filter

  • This filter will only show you the authors of Issues that are on the Board. This will not show all available authors. If you have 100 team members, but only 30 create Issues, you will not see the extra 70 in the filters. It will only show you individuals who have created Issues open on the Board.

The Epic filter

  • When filtering by a specific Epic, it will also pull into view any Issues associated with the selected Epic.

Keeping track of important filters

We keep track of all the filters that you've applied within the boards URL. This means that you can bookmark a filtered view of the board in your browser, and navigate back to that bookmark at anytime. This is a great way for you to quickly and easily generate a view of the Board containing the information that matters most to you!

You're all set! You can now filter the board to view the information that matters to you in seconds!

For more information, see : Get to know board features and functionality

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