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Understanding how Zenhub Board Filters Work

Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Zenhub Boards can be filtered to help teams get both the high level overview and paired-down version of their work.

What will show up when I select a Board filter

On all filters you get an option to filter by Issues with no _____. Use these to filter the Board by the inverse of the filter selected. 

Using Filters and pipeline sorting

The filters and pipeline sorting are independent of the other, but can be combined. For example, if you want to filter a pipeline by 'documentation' and layer on which sprint this was in, you can combine the sort and filters and the sorting will include only those Issues that match your filter selections. 

Filters vs. multi-action

Filters are meant to help you take an otherwise large set of information in a view, and create a sub-segment, or alternative view with less information. Multi-action is used to make updates to Issues in bulk. To enter multi-action, click on the avatar of any Issue card.


Filtering a multi-repo Board

When you have more than 1 repository connected in your Workspace, use the Repos filter to toggle Issues on/off from view. If the repository is toggled off, the filters mirror this toggle-off. 

For example, if Repo 1 is unselected, toggled off from view, and Issue A is within Repo 1, assigned to sprint 5, when filtering by sprint 5, you will not see Issue A. If the only Issue in sprint 5 is Issue A, because you've choose to exclude Repo 1 from your view, sprint 5 won't show up in the sprint view as there are no other matching Issues for it to display

Logic to know about specific filters

The Milestone filter (On-Premise Clients Only)

Milestones filtering applies to on-premise organizations. Cloud customers are able to filter by Zenhub sprints.

  • Milestones will appear as a filter option only when they:
    • Are open. 
      • Closed Milestones will not appear. You can filter the Board by a previously closed Milestone by navigating via GitHub to the repo's Milestone page, going to closed Milestones, clicking into the Milestone itself and use the See this milestone on the Board option. NOTE: This will only pull Issues that are still open, or are within the last 50 closed Issues on the Board (irrespective of the filter applied).  

    • Have Issues assigned to the Milestone that are open or within the last 50 closed Issues on the Board. They do not need to be estimated, but do need to appear on the Board
    • Have the respective repos filter option toggled on for the Issues you're trying to filter. If for example a Milestone exists in one of the repos toggled off and has assigned Issues, it will not appear as it doesn't 'exist' within the repositories still toggled on. 

The Label filter

  • Labels will appear as a filter option only when they:
    • Have the respective repos filter option toggled on for the Issues you're trying to filter. If a label exists in one of the repos toggled off, but is assigned to an Issue, it will not appear as it doesn't 'exist' within the repositories still toggled on. 

The Author filter

  • This filter will only show you the authors of Issues that are on the Board. This will not show all available authors. If you have 100 team members, but only 30 create Issues, you will not see the extra 70 in the filters. It will only show you individuals who have created Issues open on the Board.

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