To access the upgrade bundle please contact [email protected]. To view the latest version of Zenhub Enterprise release notes.
Data backup
Prior to any upgrade, we strongly recommend backing up your database regularly to keep your information safe. View the backup guide here.
Performing the upgrade
Prior to upgrading, it is recommended that you take a snapshot of the ZenHub Enterprise appliance. Please note the version of GitHub Enterprise you are currently using and ensure it is compatible with the latest upgrade of ZenHub Enterprise. To access the latest upgrade file get in touch with [email protected].
Upgrade script
Copy the upgrade file you received from the ZenHub team for the upgrade to the ZenHub Enterprise Appliance. You should have already added your SSH Public Key to the appliance.
$ scp ~/Downloads/zenhub-enterprise-2.39.tar.gz admin@your_zhe_ip_address:/tmp/
SSH to the Zenhub Enterprise Server
$ ssh -i <path/to/ssh-private-key> admin@your_zhe_ip_address
Upgrade to the latest version
Before applying the upgrade, ensure you have backed up the appliance. Run the command sudo zhe-upgrade.
$ sudo zhe-upgrade /tmp/zenhub-enterprise-2.39.tar.gz
When the upgrade is complete, you will see the message: Your Zenhub Enterprise has been successfully upgraded.
Important Note! If you see a message stating: MORE ACTION REQUIRED - Please update the information in the settings page then click Save to continue, this is a reminder to update the company domain after the appliance has been successfully restarted.
Configuring the Chrome and Firefox extensions
Visit the Settings page, https://<zenhub-enterprise-host-name>/setup and fill the Company Domain field. If you have already filled in the Company Domain field from a prior upgrade, the Company Domain field will remain populated and no further action will be required.
Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page. Once saved, the following page will appear:
Click Config the extensions to be directed to the extension configuration page.
Note: This page is also accessible through the URL https://<zenhub-enterprise-host-name>/setup/extensions/chrome
Follow the instructions on the Extension Configuration page to publish the extension files and make the extensions available to users.
Notes for Chrome
If your previous Zenhub Enterprise Chrome extension was not published on the Chrome Web Store, (Ex. a .crx file) your team must reinstall the extension. If your previous Zenhub Enterprise Chrome extension was published on the Chrome Web Store, any new updates for ZenHub Enterprise will be automatically distributed.
Notes for Firefox
If your previous ZenHub Enterprise Firefox extension was not signed in the Firefox developer hub, you will no longer be able to sign the add on as it requires multi-process. Zenhub Enterprise 2.22 resolves this issue. Teams can use the ZenHub web app to access ZenHub on Firefox if your team is not on 2.22 or higher.
If your previous Zenhub Enterprise Firefox extension was signed, then the update will be automatically pushed to your users through the regular addon update mechanism.
Accessing the web app
The Web App is compatible with ZenHub Enterprise 2.18 and above. To get started, head to the following URL: https://<zenhub-enterprise-host-name>/app.