This guide includes links to backup and restore your ZenHub Enterprise instance. We strongly recommend backing up your database regularly to keep your information safe, particularly when performing upgrades.

Download the backup and restoration tool

Ensure you can ssh to the ZenHub Enterprise Server. If not, navigate to the ZenHub Enterprise Settings page, and add your SSH Public Key to the ZenHub Enterprise Server. To confirm a key has been added, try accessing the ZenHub Enterprise Server via SSH.


$ ssh [email protected]

Download the backup and restoration client tool.

Note: The full path to the backup script should contain no spaces. You can confirm this by executing the pwd command while in the directory with the scripts.

Note: Backups should only be restored to the same version of ZenHub Enterprise that they were made from.

Backup your data

Run the Backup client tool:

/path/to/tool/zhe-client-backup [your_zhe_hostname]

The backed up file will be in the same directory as the zhe-client-backup tool. The filename is the timestamp of the backup execution.

Data restore

Run the Restore Client Tool:

/path/to/tool/zhe-client-restore [your_zhe_hostname] [snapshot]

Your ZenHub Enterprise instance is now fully restored.

If there were any errors during the backup or restore get in touch with us at [email protected]