What are GitHub Productivity Insights in Zenhub?
Zenhub has introduced a new productivity dashboard that displays six metrics based on your team's activities in GitHub. In addition to these metrics, GitHub Productivity Insights also provide a list of recommendations to help your team work towards better Product Operations. This dashboard is particularly helpful in two ways:
- It provides new teams in Zenhub with a baseline for their productivity in GitHub before they start using Zenhub and actions they can take to get set up in Zenhub very quickly for success. This way, they can easily monitor how Zenhub's capabilities can help them improve their productivity.
- It shows existing teams in Zenhub how their teams are currently performing in their product operations using Zenhub, and suggests actions they can take to maintain top-tier product operations.
Team leads can expect to receive actionable recommendations tailored to their team's activities. These recommendations may include strategies to improve code review, planning efficiency, ways to streamline collaboration on GitHub, techniques to reduce bug resolution time, tips for enhancing code quality, and more.
What is the value my team and I get from using GitHub Productivity Insights?
- Gain valuable insights into your team's coding habits and track their productivity over time.
- Receive a list of recommended actions to improve your productivity score and metrics.
The Dashboard
How do you determine the productivity score?
To calculate your productivity score, each metric calculation for GitHub issues and pull requests is scored between 30 and 100. The scores for each metric are then combined to compute an overall grade, with a 25% weight per metric. This grade is compared to the top 100 ranked repositories on GitHub, and the percentile is determined. Your productivity score is the percentile in which your grade falls compared to these repositories. For example, a score in the 75th percentile means that your score is better than 75% of the top 100 GitHub repositories.
What do these metrics mean?
- Issue completion: the number of issues completed within a given period.
- Issue lead time: the average number of days it takes for Issues to move from created to closed status
- Issue completion ratio: the ratio of Issues closed to Issues opened within a given period
- PR throughput: the number of Pull Requests merged within a given period
- Code review time: the average number of days it takes for reviews on Pull Request to start until the reviews are complete
- PR merge ratio: the ratio of Pull Requests merged to Pull Requests opened and abandoned within a given period
What does it mean if I don’t have a score or a value for one of the metrics?
The productivity score and metric calculations are shown as “null” if you connect a repository that does not have any closed Issues or merged Pull Requests in the time period selected. In order to get a productivity score and calculation for all metrics, connect repositories that have closed issues and closed Pull Requests to your workspace within the selected time period
Who is able to view these Insights within my team?
All users within your Zenhub Organization will be able to see these productivity score and metrics in every workspace, however, each metric and score is calculated based on the Issues and Pull Requests activities in each of the repositories connected to the workspace where it is being viewed
How are the recommendations generated?
These recommendations provide guidance on how to improve product operations within your team using Zenhub. By following these actions, you can optimize how your team manages work effectively in Zenhub, improve your metrics and score, and ultimately increase your team's productivity and progress toward your business goals
Our dynamic recommendations are classified into 2 - Issue Hygiene recommendations and PR Hygiene recommendations
- Issue Hygiene recommendations are recommendations and guidelines for maintaining a clean and organized issue management systems to help your team improve collaboration, productivity, and overall productivity. They include recommendations about prioritizations, assignee allocation, closed or resolves issues and regular cleanup practices
- PR Hygiene recommendations are guidelines for maintaining a clean and efficient pull request process which can lead to better code quality and faster releases. They include recommendations about PR association with issues, timeliness of PR activities.
For any other questions or assistance, feel free to contact our support team at [email protected]. We’re here to help you drive productivity and excellence within your teams!