Help Center
Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Where can we find our existing Epics?

Epics are no longer within a pipeline on the board. We have created a whole new section on the left hand side called the "Epics page". Here you can see all of your completed/uncompleted Epics. The Epics list view on the side panel automatically arranged from 'recently updated to latest'. In order to see the completed Epics in the list view you will need to select the filter option. You can see more about the Epics page view in this help centre document: Getting Started With Epics. Epics will also be found within the Roadmap. 

How do we create an Epic?

You can create a new Epic by going onto the Epic page and selecting the green button on the right side panel 'New Epic'. You can also create a new Epic within the Roadmap. On the right side panel, click on the green + button and it will give you the option to create a New project and New epic. 

How do we assign Epics to releases? 

You won't be able to add the Epic directly to the Release, but you are able to quickly filter a board by an Epic and add it to a Release. 

Where did our existing nested Epics go?

Existing nested Epics are captured in a new field called "Connected Epics". 

How do we create nested Epics?
The workflow moving forward to creating 'Nested Epics' would be to use Dependencies that one Epic relies on another Epic in order to complete it. Another option is to slice your Epics - similar concept of story slicing. Slice is up in discrete deliverables.

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