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Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

There are multiple ways to organize issues in repositories to optimize workflows within Zenhub. The more repositories you have in a Workspace, the slightly longer load times you may experience. To help teams optimize organization of work, below is a table outlining the impact of number of repos in a Workspace on performance and load times.

Open issues count more than closed

Zenhub (by default) loads all of the Open issues in a connected repository, but only the first 100 closed issues. So, when it comes to optimizing Workspace Load Times, you can have as many closed issues as you'd like, but the number of open issues will impact Workspace performance and load times.

Filtered Workspaces

You can employ smart labeling strategies to build Workspaces that only load those issues that have a specific label. This is accomplished through our "Filtered Workspace" feature. Here's how it works.

- Click on the workspace switcher

- Select the Workspace you want to edit and click "Edit"

- Scroll to the bottom and select "Filter this Workspace by the following Label(s)"

- Pick one or more Labels.

Your Workspace will now load only those issues with the labels you've selected. If your repo has 50,000 Open issues, but you only have a few hundred issues labeled "Team Watney", you'll see dramatic improvements since Zenhub is only loading the few hundred issues.

Once you've created a Filtered Workspace, you'll see the label under the name of the Workspace in the left sidebar.

Note: Any issue created in a Filtered Workspace, will automatically have the label applied.

Load times and number of connected repositories

To optimize for performance when loading Workspaces, below are guidelines and performance impact based on the number of connected repos you roughly have within your team's Workspace.

Number of connected Repos

Load times


6 or less repos

FastThere should not be any impact on load times unless you have thousands of issues and complex webs of data across Issues. If you're experiencing slow loading and have a small Workspace, please let us know!

6-12 repos

When surpassing 6 repos, we encourage conversation around how work is being organized and why this Workspace is getting quite large. Is this based on where issues currently live in relation to where work is happening, do you have project-based repositories and are combining multiple projects to a centralized workflow?

12 or more repos

SlowThe more connected repositories you have, the more connections and information we need to pull across your GitHub environment to render your Workspaces. This includes potentially a high volume of Issues, Epics, dependencies, and meta data.

Issue-only Repos

To optimize workflows for load times and focused pipeline structures we often see teams leverage issue-only repos. This allows teams to break away from where code-lives as the defining factor for how Issues get created to organize tasks and projects.

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