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Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Only Admins of the Enterprise instance can access the usage report.

The usage report helps teams running on ZenHub Enterprise understand how many monthly active team members are using ZenHub. 

Running a report

To run a usage report, go to the unique Enterprise URL that is used for your ZenHub Enterprise instance. Go to the Admin section of the welcome page.

Once in the Admin section, on the top right navigation head to Usage reports

A table will appear on the page that shows, per month, the number of active team members using ZenHub. 

Sending the report to ZenHub

To send the usage report to the ZenHub team, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the email-send option or copy the report into an email to send to your dedicated Enterprise Success Coach. If you're unsure who to send the report to, email and we will connect you! 

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