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Styling Comments Using the Markdown Editor or Markdown Syntax

Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Within ZenHub you can format text and comments using our markdown editor or by using markdown syntax. Markdown changes the way text is displayed in comments by using common non-alphabetic characters to add formatting.

Using the markdown editor

When formatting text in ZenHub, you can use the markdown editor to quickly and easily style your text:

The buttons available to you within the editor are:

  • Title Styling: This allows you to add header text.
  • Bold Styling: This allows you to make text bold.
  • Italic Styling: This allows you to make text italic.
  • Quote Styling: This allows you to insert a quote.
  • Code Styling: This allows you to insert code.
  • Link Styling: This allows you to add a link.
  • Bulleted list: This allows you to add a bulleted list.
  • Numbered list: This allows you to add a numbered list.
  • Checkbox Styling: This allows you to add a checklist.
  • Mention Styling: This allows you to mention a user or team.

Overview of markdown syntax

 Looking to make something bold? Add a header section? Or perhaps make a list of to-do items? Markdown helps you add these visual changes by using characters such as   #, *, or _ 

As an alternative to using the markdown editor, you can also format text using characters directly within the text. Below is a list of various non-alphabetic characters that are used in Markdown and their corresponding names.

  • #Hashtag (Used to create or to reference another Issue)
  • **Asterisk (Used to make text bold)
  • _Underscore (Used to italicize text)
  • ~Tilde is used to strikethrough text in comments.
  •  - [ ] Hypen and closing square brackets are used to make checklists. Make sure to leave a space after each symbol to create an interactive checklist
  • Dash (One dash is used before text to make an unordered list. Three dashes in a row between paragraphs is used to make a line)
  • >Greater-than symbol (Used to indicate a blockquote)
  • `Backtick (Used to create code snippets)
  • @Mention character (Used to reference another user)
  • `Backtick (Used to create snippets of code and have them appear as one block)

Examples of markdown syntax


To make certain words or sentences appear bold or italicized in Markdown, you can use double asterisks  ** for bolding, underscore _ for italicizing, and ~ for strikethrough. Below is an example for each:

Markdown structure:

**Text with two asterisks at the start and end of it appears bold**

Text with asterisks at the start and end of it appears bold

_Text with underscore at the start and end of it appears italicized_

Text with underscore at the start and end of it appears italicized


There are three types of lists that can be created using ZenHub markdown: unordered lists created by putting the dash before text, ordered lists, which are created by adding numbers with a dot (for example: 1.) before text, and checklists which are created using the [ and ] brackets. Below is an example of both list types:

To create an unordered list, place a dash before each line item. Each new list item should be on a new line.

  • Lists are great for to do items.
  • Or when needing to list out findings.
  • They are also very scannable when reading an Issue!

To create an ordered list, place the number, and a period before each line item.

  1. Need to add a structured order to a list? Use numbers instead of dashes!
  2. Your team will then know what comes first, second, third, and so forth.
  3. Ordered lists are great for indicating next steps as well.

A great way to organize information into sections is to make use of headers. To make a header using Markdown, you use the # character.

The greater number of # used before the desired header text, the smaller the header will appear. Below are three different levels of headers.

Creating Headers in Markdown

When creating titles, it is important to leave a space between the # characters and the actual title name. If you do not leave a space, the header will not properly form.

Markdown header examples

# I am the largest header

I am the largest header

## I am a slightly smaller header

I am a slightly smaller header

### I am a small header

I am a small header

3 levels of titles is most common, but you can go up to 6 #s to make a really small header.


You can create inline links by adding link text between square brackets [ ], directly followed by the URL in parentheses( ).

  • [Opening square brackets, and ]Closing square brackets are used around the text section
  • (Opening oval brackets, and )Closing oval brackets are used around the link section

Ensure there are no spaces between the oval brackets surrounding the text that you'd like to appear, and the link in oval brackets.


To create an in-line quote, use the greater-than character > before a block of text to make it appear as a blockquote.

Below is an example of how to use Markdown to create a blockquote and how it will render:

> Place all the relevant text you would like to quote after the character.

Place all the relevant text you would like to quote after the character.

Blockquotes with Markdown

Code Snippets

Using the ` character, you can create code snippets in-line by placing 1 ` on either end of text. To make a code snippet block, place 3 `s and create a line break before adding text (you will also need to make a line break and add the ` at the end of a block of text). Adding a ` on the line above and below text makes the text appear as 1 full block.

Below are examples of in-line and block code snippets:

In-line code snippets with Markdown

Block code snippets with Markdown

Creating section lines

To create a horizontal line within a comment to make a section break, or visually create breaks within the comment you can use the character 3 times in a row. To create an in-comment line, and not just create a title, it is important to leave a line-break before and after the dash.

Creating lines in markdown

Referencing other GitHub Issues

To create a cross-link between one Issue and another, use the # character and add the Issue number of the Issue you would like to mention.It is important when referencing other Issues to not leave a space between the # and the Issue information, otherwise a header will be created.

Mentioning another user in a comment

This is available only for Github issues, not Zenhub issues.

To mention other team mates in an Issue, use the @ character and then begin typing the individual's GitHub username. This will cause a dropdown of users to appear where you can select your team mate. Once mentioned, they will receive a notification with your comment and the Issue information so they can follow-up.

Mentioning users in comments in GitHub Issues

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