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Note: Zenhub's full feature set is unlocked when you connect your GitHub Organization to Zenhub

Read and write API

Want to generate custom reports or manipulate your team's Zenhub data? Zenhub provides an GraphQL API with JSON responses for this purpose. See the full API documentation. Zenhub's API can be used alone or in tandem with GitHub's robust API.

The Zenhub API provides a variety of endpoints. Current endpoints include:

  • Issue data (An Issue's Estimate, pipeline, and a true/false Epic flag)
  • Issue events (Historical changes to a specific GitHub Issue)
  • Board data for a repository (Board pipelines, the Issues in each pipeline; plus Issue numbers, Issue position on the board, estimates, and a true/false Epic flag)
  • Move Issues between pipelines
  • Add estimates to Issues
  • Add or remove Issues to Epics
  • Fetch Issue dependencies
  • Create Issue dependencies
  • Delete Issue dependencies

Write API use cases

From building gadgets to automating workflows migrating data, here's a few of our favorite automations that can be created using the write API:

  • Sprint planning with a distributed or remote team or perhaps looking for a way improve your estimations and plan more accurately? Using the Add estimates to Issues endpoint you can now make sprint planning accessible to everyone on your team by building a Planning Poker application that can help automate the addition of estimates to your existing GitHub Issues.
  • Have a custom Slack bot that migrates conversations to your GitHub Issues? From having your bot find and move Issues across pipelines to converting Issues to Epics based on conversations happening you can now make your bot more robust!
  • Automate the movement of Issues within or across pipelines to manage priority based on meaningful actions being taken on an Issue. If an Issue is stale, raise its position within a pipeline or transfer it back to the backlog for discussion. If an Issue gets tagged with an urgent label, raise its position in your pipeline to signal severity.
  • Integrate products you're already using such as CircleCI or Travis into your Zenhub workflow by automating the movement of Issues between pipelines when a build finishes or a test passes.

 Create a gadget or helpful custom program using our API? Send us a note at We love to hear how our users are enhancing their Zenhub experience.

Adding an integration

To add a new integration, visit the Integrations tab on the Zenhub Dashboard, then choose a service to integrate with.

Select the GitHub repository you'd like updates for, then follow the instructions to generate a webhook.

Note: The “How to create a webhook” link changes depending on the service you've selected. If you've selected Slack, you'll be able to use the simple Add to Slack button. Finally, add the generated webhook to complete the integration.

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